Breathing & Support
Everybody talks about support, but what it is and how can you teach it to amateur singers?
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Too many singers, practicing breathing can seem a boring and irrelevant task, and some choir singers may be thinking: 'Why are we doing this? I thought we came here to sing?'. In our experience, many choir directors and music teachers find this particular topic problematic to teach, as it can be difficult to explain what support even is. It can also feel vulnerable to stand up as a choir leader or teacher and let others observe your own breathing and body in a situation where you may not be entirely comfortable with the techniques and their pitfalls. That's why this workshop is based on some simple and easy-to- understand exercises that are fun, easygoing and create smiles, while being relatively simple to do for both participants, teachers and conductors. At this workshop you will meet Kristoffer Fynbo Thorning & Tine Fris-Ronsfeld. The language will be English, but you are welcome to write your questions and comments in your own language. We will send you a Zoom link as soon as you have signed up and the video from this session will be available for you to see afterwards.
Råhøjvænget 53, 8260 Viby, Denmark